Stars recall 'Most Memorable Year' on 'Dancing with the Stars'

ByJennifer Matarese, Eyewitness News WABC logo
Thursday, April 3, 2014

LOS ANGELES, CA -- Monday night, the stars came out dancing on "Dancing with the Stars". "Good Morning America" anchor Robin Roberts also strutted out onto the stage and took her place alongside the judges as a guest judge!

James picked his most memorable year as 2007 because it's when he overcame the bullying he received for being pudgy in school. Look at him now! He danced the Jive with Peta to Jimmy Eat World's "The Middle". They started out with high energy and kept it going. He had great kicks and got his knees up high but sometimes lost his sync with Peta just a bit. He pulled off some very good spins and even leapt up towards the judges table. It was amazing! Len said that he totally rocked the place and he thought it was fantastic and his best dance yet. Robin said that she loved how he attacks every single dance and she especially appreciated his story. Bruno said it had the explosive energy of a lightning streak and he couldn't believe what he achieved in just a few weeks. He called James a contender! Carrie Ann said that she didn't expect all of the amazing moves but told him to watch his strange "claw thing" going on with his hands.

Their Scores: Carrie Ann - 9, Len - 9, Robin - 9, and Bruno - 9, for a total of 36 out of 40.

The switch-up was explained a little better. It's actually just for one week! That's a little lame, I thought it would actually have a real impact. It will still be fun to watch though and see how they all interact together.

Billy Dee and Emma announced that he would be dropping out of the competition! His doctor said that his back problems are too serious to continue on. That isn't fair! He was horrible in the past weeks, as much as I like and respect him, but someone else could have still been on the show that was a better dancer! That's a bummer!

NeNe is dancing a Rumba dedicated to her husband. They were married once when they were younger but they remarried in 2013 when they were more mature. "I Believe in You and Me" by Whitney Houston was the song she walked down the aisle to. It was a very lyrical dance with a lot of the give and take you expect to see in the Rumba. It was very good! She also got to show off some of her flexibility. The crowd went wild at the end of it. Robin called her the life of the party and said that the dance showed her a different side of her. Bruno thought she maintained the flow very well but he wants her to focus on her placement. Carrie Ann said it was a gorgeous job and she complimented her arms. Len said he was pleasantly surprised and loved the sensuality. He said he really enjoyed watching them dance.

Their Scores: Carrie Ann - 8, Len - 7, Robin - 8, and Bruno - 8, for a total of 31 out of 40.

Cody danced to his own song "Surfboard" because it reflects on his relationship with his family. He picked the year 2010 because it was the year his family moved with him to the US to pursue his career in music. He danced Jazz with Whitney. Their outfits were really cool and retro looking but fit the music perfectly. He pulled off the lifts really well and I liked the amount of "pop" they had in their movements. They were very in sync where they needed to be. Bruno said it was "so right now" and he liked it. Carrie Ann called it "ridiculous" and said it was "so good". She said that she ate it up. Len said it was tight, together, and it was well done. Robin said that she loved his style and that he owns it.

Their Scores: Carrie Ann - 9, Len - 8, Robin - 9, and Bruno - 9, for a total of 35 out of 40.

Danica picked 2010 as her most memorable year because it was the year her son Jacob was born, and a few weeks before his birth her grandmother passed away. Her son is so precious! She and Val danced Contemporary to "Lullaby" by Billy Joel. This is such a beautiful song and Danica and Val did it proud. They were so elegant and lyrical in every movement they made. The lifts were full of intent and purpose. She looked like a ballerina! You could really tell that she put her whole heart into this dance. Her son gave her a hug at the end of the dance and just wanted to be with his mommy, and she was like, "is it ok?" and she brought him on the stage with her. Carrie Ann said it was beautiful and she could feel her grandmother there tonight. Len said the movement was so fluid it was like "butter on a hot muffin". Robin said that she loved the emotion that she was feeling and that it was a beautiful way to express her story. Bruno said it was enchanting and jaw dropping.

Their Scores: Carrie Ann - 9, Len - 9, Robin - 9, and Bruno - 9, for a total of 36 out of 40. I thought they might have gotten at least one 10 for that!

Drew picked the year 2005 because it was the year his son Connor was born. He said that it changed everything because he was overweight and diabetic and he didn't want him to grow up without a dad, because his dad died when he was 8 years old. He danced the Waltz with Cheryl. It was so elegant! His footwork looked fantastic. His hold looked a little floppy here and there, but was overall good. I loved how they utilized the entire dance floor. Len said it was a charming dance and he liked his posture, but he noticed that he got on the wrong foot at one point. Robin said that Drew was a pleasant and marvelous surprise this season. She added that she's been blown away and that he's a beautiful dancer and has a beautiful soul. Bruno said that he loved the classic Waltz. Bruno said that it looked smart and elegant and he appreciated the work he put into it. Carrie Ann said that he looked a little stressed in his face, which caused him to lose some of his ease of motion, but it was still beautiful.

Their Scores: Carrie Ann - 7, Len - 7, Robin - 8, and Bruno - 8, for a total of 30 out of 40.

Meryl kind of picked the year leading up to the Olympics but said that it was really the 17-year journey that she and Charlie took together in their ice dancing career. She and Maks danced the Fox Trot to John Legend's "All of Me". Lindsay Sterling was featured on the violin during their performance. It was so beautiful! They were full of feeling and very elegant as they went across the dance floor. There was a very close encounter where they almost kissed! The heat went up in the ballroom! It was so romantic and he dipped her within an inch of the floor! It was an amazing dance! Robin said that she loved how beautiful it was to watch. Bruno said it was romantic and like watching a love story. He thought it was incredible and loved how delicate it was, and he even complimented Maks' choreography. Carrie Ann said that she burst into tears because it was so beautiful. She loved the partnership and the chemistry between her and Maks. Len said that he loved the calmness and speed and then back again. "M&M are sweet and delicious" he said.

Their Scores: Carrie Ann - 10, Len - 9, Robin - 10, and Bruno -10, for a total of 39 out of 40! Amazing!

Amy picked the year 1999 because that's when she got bacterial meningitis, lost her legs, and her dad donated a kidney to her! He's such an amazing dad. Her dad taught her to walk on her prosthetic legs by dancing with her dad in their home. She danced Contemporary dance with a new pair of prosthetic feet with Derek! The feet are pointed! Oh my goodness, this woman is truly amazing. There were a lot of lifts but she was able to form all of the beautiful shapes that you would want to see from a Contemporary dance. I loved the end where she walked through the air with Derek holding her. The dance brought tears to her father's eyes in the audience and you could see him say "I'm so proud of you!" Bruno said it was so heart-wrenching yet life affirming and he loved it and loves her. Carrie Ann said that she reminds everyone of what it means to be human and how she balanced on her toes was amazing. Len said it touched his brain with his level of difficulty and his heart with the level of artistry. Robin Roberts said that she hopes that she knows what she is doing for people each week and she thanked her.

Their Scores: Carrie Ann - 9, Len - 9, Robin - 9, and Bruno - 9, for a total of 36 out of 40. I was shocked they didn't get 10's!

Charlie picked 2010 as his most memorable year because he and Meryl almost won the gold medal that year, but got silver, and they knew right then and there they were going for gold. He and Sharna danced the Jive to "Happy" by Pharrell Williams. It was full of lots of kicks and flicks! They got the crowd going when they relocated to a little stage set in the audience. I loved their ease of motion and just how free they seemed when they danced! It was super fun to watch. Carrie Ann said it was fantastic and she loved how they worked the room. She thought that he got a little ahead of the music twice. Len said, "You were steaming, I was beaming" it was "happy hour". Robin said that they make them happy and that she loves him. Bruno said to work it because he can and that he loved how light he was on his feet.

Their Scores: Carrie Ann - 9, Len - 9, Robin - 9, and Bruno - 9, for a total of 36 out of 40.

Candace chose 1995 because it was the year that "Full House" ended and then just two months later she got engaged. Her full house friends Andrea Barber "Kimmy Gibbler" and Lori Laughlin "Aunt Becky" came by her rehearsal this week. She said that they are dancing the Jive to an Elvis song "Blue Suede Shoes" since Elvis was such a big part of "Full House". She had a lot of bounce and flounce! I loved it! I really loved how cute it was and how much energy they put into it. The footwork was very good and you could tell they worked really hard on it. Len said that he loved the energy and that he loved how precise it was. Robin said that she hit it and it was wonderful to watch. Bruno said that she can let it loose and he loves it when she goes wild! He did think that the footwork needed to be a bit cleaner in some spots. Carrie Ann said that she agreed with everyone but she wants her to put her shoulders back. She added that when Candace lets loose it's so much fun!

Their Scores: Carrie Ann - 8, Len - 8, Robin - 8, and Bruno - 8, for a total of 32 out of 40.

Julianne Hough will return as a guest judge next week. Don't forget to vote!