Students who learn more earn more

Sunday, May 3, 2015

A friend insisted that Lone Star College was the perfect college for David Rico. "She told me that Lone

Star College specialized in helping students like myself succeed; I wanted to believe her but I just did not

think I could be successful," said Rico.

After helping him study for his GED, Rico ended up taking the evaluation to receive his GED certificate which would allow him to not only find better employment, but ultimately to chase his dreams.

Students who learn more, earn more. According the National Center for Education Statistics, students with a high school diploma can earn more than $8,000 a year over someone who does not have a diploma. Earning a GED certificate can lead to a better career, more job security and greater sense of pride, and it's also a big step toward attending college.

"I spent six years at a job that barely made ends meet and I had no idea how to become a better person," said Rico. "At Lone Star College I am learning how to consider my beliefs, my mind, my fears and my general plans for my life. Lone Star College has changed my life by giving me a chance and for this I am truly grateful."

Interested in the learning more about the GED program at LSC? Visit to find out how you can succeed.