Child accidentally trapped inside cooler prompts warning to parents

Friday, March 8, 2019
Family warns parents about cooler dangers
A 5-year-old boy playing at home accidentally locked himself inside a large cooler

A Florida family is warning everyone just how dangerous coolers can be.

The family had just returned from a day on the water. The father left the family's large cooler open to dry out. Within seconds, their 5-year-old son climbed in, accidentally locking himself inside.

"It was an awful scream, as if a child had fallen and gotten really hurt," said Rob Wanes, the boy's father.

Mother Maria Wanes said, "We came running out and you couldn't tell where the scream was coming from. Finally Rob turned and looked to the cooler, opened it up and he was in there."

Luckily they were able to get the child out quickly. The family has asked Igloo to add safety features.