Watch "The Big Freeze" special Sponsored by CenterPoint Energy on ABC13!

Watch "The Big Freeze" sponsored by CenterPoint Energy

Tuesday, February 22, 2022
Watch the ABC13 Special "The Big Freeze"
Watch the ABC13 Special "The Big Freeze"

Watch The Big Freeze: One Year Later

Houstonions may never forget the devastation of the 2021 Winter Freeze. As the severe cold swept through our city, over 1 million homes in the area were effected, with many being left without power, water or both. Since the winter event many measures have been put in place in hopes of preventing such devastation from ever happening again. Get the details and information you need by watching "The Big Freeze".

Center Point Energy knows that reliable energy is not a luxury. Their mission and goal is to keep the lights on and to provide clean natural gas for your homes, factories and businesses. Headquartered in Houston, Texas, Center Point Energy is a domestic energy delivery company that includes electric transmission & distribution, natural gas distribution and energy services operations. With more than 9,600 employees, CenterPoint Energy and its predecessor companies have been in business for more than 140 years. Learn More