Ike contractor finally getting to work

HOUSTON They're the sights and the sounds Scott Lowry has been waiting for. Workers are finally laying floors in his hurricane-ravaged home in Shore Acres.

"It's been a long road, long, long road seems like. Taking a shower with a garden hose is not fun," said Lowry.

He wasn't the only frustrated hurricane victim we found in Shore Acres a year after the storm, and the anger was directed at Florida-based Aruba Construction. The mayor cut to the chase.

"I don't know what kind of business you're running, but your customer service sucks," said Shore Acres Mayor Jayo Washington.

We tracked down the company for answers.

"Thanks very much for following me to the Home Depot. Find another story," said a representative of Aruba we spoke with.

But our message to finish the job made it all the way to Florida.

"I'm out here to help mop it up, clean it up and get these people back in their homes," said Joe Aruba, President of Aruba Construction.

Aruba promised me he'd come to Texas and make it right. He came all right.

"I saw your first report. I'm still sore. I got a strip ripped out of me over here," said Aruba.

Now Lowry's house is full of workers and Aruba is promising his home will be finished in about three weeks.

"It seems now since Wayne came to the rescue everything is coming along great. They are doing a great job on the house. As long as the ball keeps rolling, I think it's going to be coming out fine," said Lowry.

A few blocks away is another unfinished Aruba job. Home is still a FEMA trailer.

"We still got a number of homes, four or five homes, that haven't been finished still a year and a week after the storm. We're not finished," said Mayor Washington. "They've promised a lot and the proof is in the pudding."

In Shore Acres, they have a mayor who's been fighting to relieve some of the stress.

"If you and I had not going involved, than these poor people would still be sleeping on couches in someone else's home," said Mayor Washington.

Aruba promises everone in Shore Acres will be a happy customer within a few months.

"Give us some time. We'll have them done. Again, I'd like to meet you one more time," said Aruba.

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