Bills TX legislature passed, and passed on


--Wrongful Convictions: Increases compensation for those who were convicted and sent to prison for crimes they did not commit.
--Texas Movies: Expands the ability of the state's movie and film office to grant financial incentives to lure productions to Texas.
--Hurricanes-Electricity: Allows utilities to issue low-cost bonds to recover costs after hurricanes and other disasters, reducing the financial impact to electricity customers for rebuilding and restoration. --Journalist Shield Law: Provides limited immunity to journalists from having to testify and reveal confidential sources and documents in court.
--Interior Designers: Prohibits someone not licensed or registered with the Texas Board of Architectural Examiners as an interior designer from using the title "licensed interior designer" or "registered interior designer."
--Crossbow Hunting: Allows all hunters, not just disabled hunters, to use crossbows during bow hunting season. Crossbows already were allowed during open hunting season.
--Military Kids: Makes it easier for children of transferring military members to enroll in new schools by allowing Texas to join an interstate compact on educational opportunities for military children.
--University Expansion: Allows for the expansion of Texas A&M University-Central Texas, Texas A&M University-San Antonio and University of North Texas at Dallas campuses as stand-alone institutions; removes barriers to the use of tuition revenue bonds for expansion.


--Booster Seats: Requires that children under age 8 be secured in a booster seat when riding in a passenger vehicle. Raises the current age limit from 4.


--Eminent Domain: Allows Texas voters to decide whether to amend the state constitution to place some limits on when governments can take private property.


--State Budget: A $182 billion two-year spending plan that includes $12 billion in federal economic stimulus money pays for scores of state services but covers mostly education and health care.
--Supplemental Budget: A $2.4 billion package to cover unexpected costs in the current state budget, including money for the Hurricane Ike-ravaged University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston.
--Top 10 Percent: Scales back the law allowing automatic college admissions for students in the top 10 percent of their high school graduating class.
--Windstorm Insurance: Restructures the depleted Texas Windstorm Insurance Association that insures coastal property in case of a hurricane.
--Disabled Veterans: Provides homestead property tax exemptions for disabled veterans.
--Human Trafficking Civil Penalties: Allows victims of human trafficking to sue their traffickers and seek punitive damages from the traffickers and the organizations involved.
--Human Trafficking Prevention: Establishes a task force to come up with policies and procedures to prevent and prosecute human trafficking, sometimes referred to as modern-day slavery.
--Teen Tanning Bill: Bans anyone under 16.5 years old from using a tanning bed.
--Smokeless Tobacco Tax: Changes the tax on chewing tobacco to a weight-based system in order to fund a medical school loan repayment program for doctors who work in underserved areas. Includes tax break for small businesses.
--Business Tax: Gives tax break to some 40,000 small businesses by raising the franchise tax exemption from $300,000 in revenue to $1 million.
--State Schools: Increases oversight and security of the state's large institutions for people with mental disabilities.
--Electronic Textbooks: Allows school districts to purchase approved electronic textbooks and materials.
--Military Tuition: Expands tuition exemptions for Texas military veterans and their spouses.
--UNT Law School: Allows the University of North Texas at Dallas to establish a new public law school.
--School Accountability: Changes high school graduation and grade promotion requirements; requires students to pass standardized tests to be promoted to the next grade but reduces some of the high stakes currently connected to the testing.
--School Finance: Tweaks the state's school funding system, sending about $2 billion to school districts and giving teachers a one-time $800 pay raise.
--School Supplies: Adds backpacks and school supplies to the annual August sales tax holiday weekend that already includes clothing purchases.
--Juvenile Prisons Review: Continues the state juvenile prison system operations for at least another two years; keeps the Texas Youth Commission and the Texas Juvenile Probation Commission separate agencies until another review in 2011.
--Tier One Universities: Creates funding pools and incentives for emerging research universities to advance to nationally recognized Tier One schools.
--Rodeo Kids: Requires children to wear a helmet and protective vest when bull riding in a rodeo.


--Voter ID: Would have required Texas voters to present photo identification or two non-photo alternative forms of ID before casting a ballot.
--Casino Gambling: Would have allowed Las Vegas-style casinos, slot machines at race tracks and casinos on American Indian reservations.
--Smoking Ban: Would have imposed a statewide ban on smoking in most public indoor spaces, including bars and restaurants.
--CHIP Expansion: Would have allowed some families who make too much to qualify for the Children's Health Insurance Program to qualify for the joint state and federal program.
--Smoking Age: Would have raised the legal age limit to buy tobacco products from 18 to 19.
--Needle Exchange: Would have allowed public health officials to establish a needle exchange program, permitting people to hand in dirty needles in exchange for clean ones.
--Abortions-Sonograms: Would have required doctors to offer an ultrasound to women seeking abortions and let them see the results if they wanted to.
--Guns on Campus: Would have allowed concealed handgun license holders to bring their guns to college campuses.
--Guns to Work: Would have allowed people to carry firearms to work and then store them in their parked vehicles outside.
--Strip Club Fees: Would have imposed a new admissions tax on sexually oriented businesses and repealed a $5-per-person admission fee on strip clubs that a judge ruled unconstitutional.
--Medical Marijuana: Would have permitted use of marijuana for medical purposes.
--Government Employee Birth Dates: Would have exempted government employees' birth dates from release under open records law.
--Sobriety Checkpoints: Would have allowed police to set up sobriety roadblocks in large counties and cities.
--Mercury Warnings: Would have required fish markets and grocery stores to post signs warning pregnant women that certain fish could contain high levels of mercury that can cause birth defects.
--Puppy Mills: Would have regulated dog and cat owners who keep and breed many animals, cracking down on poor conditions in so-called puppy mills.
--Trans Fats: Would have banned restaurants from packaging, storing or using trans fats to prepare or serve food.

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