Film documents Clyde cancer cluster

For Adan Garcia, the so-called cancer cluster in Clyde hit home, specifically the case of 11-year-old Alexa Brown. After Alexa lost her battle with cancer in 2009, he decided to document the ongoing search for answers in the small town.

Since 2007, at least 18 children have been diagnosed with cancer, raising questions in the community. But after dozens of water and air quality tests, the cause remains a mystery.

Garcia hopes the film will help people become aware of what's happening and keep alive the memory of those Clyde has lost. "My main thing is to get awareness out there. I just want people to be show people this is going on in the little town of Clyde, Ohio, this is going on. We want to whole United States to be aware of what's going on," he said.

Once the documentary is released, all of the proceeds it generates will be given to fund childhood cancer research.

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