Samsung to implement Note 7 "kill switch"

Monday, December 12, 2016
Samsung to implement Note 7 "kill switch"
Samsung is planning to launch a software update that will make the remaining Note 7 phones inoperable.

Even after the recalls, the stories about the recalls and the risk of spontaneous fire, there are still more than 130,000 Note 7 devices still left in the United States, Samsung reports.

The phone maker says to completely eliminate the risk of those devices catching fire, it is launching a "virtual kill switch" which will prevent the phones from charging.

The move comes in the form of a software update which, when applied, prevents charging, allowing the batteries to run out.

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Reports from around the world came in shortly after the Note 7 phone was released with videos showing the phone smoldering and sparking.

After several fixes, Samsung ended production altogether of the phone, issuing a complete recall. Customers can return the phones for a full refund, though not all have.

The update will be launched through at least three of the country's largest mobile providers, Samsung said.