Study: Nearly 70 percent of evangelicals do not view religion and science as being in conflict

ByFrom Our Community, Fort Bend Sun
Sunday, March 15, 2015
The research was presented by Rice sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund.
Fort Bend Sun

HOUSTON -- Media and popular culture might portray religion and science as being at odds, but new research from Rice University suggests just the opposite.

Findings from the recently completed study "Religious Understandings of Science (RUS)" reveal that despite many misconceptions regarding the intersection of science and religion, nearly 70 percent of evangelical Christians do not view the two as being in conflict with each other.

The research was presented by Rice sociologist Elaine Howard Ecklund today in Washington, D.C., during the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) conference, Perceptions: Science and Religious Communities. Ecklund, the principal investigator and researcher for the RUS project, is the Autrey Professor of Sociology and director of Rice's Religion and Public Life Program.

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