Staying Put helps seniors get groceries, tasks done while staying home

ByBeccah Hendrickson Localish logo
Monday, April 27, 2020
Staying Put helps seniors get groceries, tasks done while staying home
The team says it's currently helping more than 250 people, delivering groceries, performing jobs around the home and driving seniors to appointments.

In April, Ivin's Outreach Center in Morrisville, Pennsylvania, started a program called "Staying Put" designed to match volunteers with seniors who need help with errands, yard work, rides to appointments, and everything in between during COVID-19.

With seniors part of the most vulnerable to the effects of the coronavirus, the volunteers have stepped up to eliminate the need for them leaving the home. They have delivered around 65 dinners to people in need but, that's just one of the ways the group is helping vulnerable groups stay safe, by allowing them to stay home.

Grocery delivery is another service the outreach center provides with its "Staying Put" program for people over 55 years of age.

The team says it's currently helping more than 250 people, a number that has skyrocketed since the pandemic hit.