Segment 1 - A profile of new Texas State Senator Borris Miles. Miles spent 10 years in the Texas House of Representatives before replacing the outgoing Rodney Ellis. Ellis is moving to Harris County Commissioners Court, where he will represent Precinct 1. Ellis joins us to discusses the move to his new job after spending over two decades in the Texas Legislature. He also explains why his experience in the Legislature will help him in his new role in Harris County.
Segment 2 - Harris County Commissioner Rodney Ellis discusses President Barack Obama's legacy, following Mr. Obama's farewell address to a packed audience in his hometown of Chicago. Commissioner Ellis discusses Mr. Obama's successes and failures and why he believes he is one of America's greatest presidents.
Segment 3 - Ashley Small and Crystal Washington discuss how African American millennials are closing the digital divide. A new report finds African Americans are second only to Asian Americans among smartphone owners. Also, 91% of African Americans say they access the internet on a mobile device. And African Americans spend about 2 more hours a week using the internet and about an hour more a week viewing online videos. Small is a Digital PR Strategist who owns her own agency. Washington is a Marketing Strategist. For more information, visit: and
Segment 4 - Ivy Okoro and John Bland preview the 39th Original MLK Jr. Day Parade and "Taste of Houston" event. Okoro is the MLK Day Parade's spokesperson. Bland is with the Transportation Workers Union and discusses the importance of service on the holiday. Members of his organization took part in numerous service projects leading up to the MLK Day holiday. For more information, visit: