Inside British Isles in Rice Village, they're already celebrating Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's engagement.
"I'm just really happy. I thought it was great news," said customer Andrea Attard.
Markle is an American actress. The couple plans to wed in the spring.
"She's American. She's been married before. She's bi-racial. She checks all the boxes of something that's new and exciting," said Guy Stretfeild, owner of British Isles.
British Isles is already planning for the big day. They plan to order lots of merchandise including wedding mugs, crowns and other souvenirs.
"There's always commemorative merchandise and we'll certainly have that," said Stretfeild.
Expect to see it after the first of the year.
As for the customers, some are happy for the prince while others are sad he's off the market.
"I'm pleased for him. I think he's lived a great life. I think he' set a great example and lived a great life. I'm really happy he's going to be happy," said Attard.
"I was just very upset cause he was obviously my favorite, and that he chose a different American woman other than myself," joked Darenda Weaver, who works at British Isles.
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RELATED: CONGRATS! Prince Harry and actress Meghan Markle to wed next year