From hope to heartbreak: 13 Investigates tries to confront woman at center of alleged surrogacy scam

The company held funds in escrow for couples having children through surrogacy.

Kevin Ozebek Image
ByKevin Ozebek KTRK logo
Thursday, August 1, 2024
13 Investigates tries to confront woman accused of surrogacy scam
SEAM's surrogacy clients discovered the money they'd deposited into escrow accounts had vanished, according to a lawsuit filed against Dominique Side.

NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana (KTRK) -- 13 Investigates teamed up with ABC News, as parents and parents-to-be around the world accuse a Houston businesswoman of defrauding them out of millions.

They claim Dominque Side funneled money out of her surrogacy escrow business, and into Side's own pockets.

Our ABC owned sister stations across the country are hearing from the expecting parents who trusted Side with their money.

"I think I smile to keep from crying," Laura Daniels said.

"We sent the money and she walked away with it," said Chris Perkins Yans.

After a tip that Side is now in New Orleans, 13 Investigates went there. We ended up finding her mother, who is defending her daughter in the face of the allegations.

Never before has 13 Investigates worked with so many of our sister stations and ABC News to get answers and give a voice to those who say they have been victimized. It's a story centered in Houston, but people all over the U.S. and as far as France and Italy are suing Side.

After Side was a no-show for a court hearing in Houston, we went to her second home, a $300,000 house in New Orleans. It's home that a lawsuit alleges she purchased with money from "an elaborate surrogacy escrow scam."

Side didn't answer the door when we knocked, but her mother, Caron Parks-Hinton, did.

When asked, "Where is Dominque?" Parks-Hinton answered, "I'm not at liberty to tell you that right now. I really, I, you know, I can't tell you that."

Side is the owner of "Surrogacy Escrow Account Management" -- also known as SEAM.

SEAM promised parents, "We'll handle the Money" -- money they put into an escrow that was supposed to fully pay the surrogates carrying their children.

"We've never been happier than the moment we found out that we did the embryo transfer. Right? And then it's just like somebody drops a brick," said Perkins Yans

Chris Perkins Yans and his husband Chen say more than $71,000 they gave to SEAM is now gone. This North Carolina couple is now working overtime to pay their surrogate.

In San Francisco, Olivier Lantiez and his husband are in from France to meet their new baby boy. They fear the $60,000 they paid SEAM is money they and their surrogate will never see.

"We would have felt helpless because it was so far away for us. ... We do know nothing about the legal system in America. I just want to have justice to be done for us and for everybody," Lantiez said.

And in New York City, Laura Daniels is a proud new mom. But she had to scramble to find $10,000 to finish paying her surrogate.

She's one of dozens of SEAM clients who say this summer they got an email from Side saying, "I regret to inform you all that operations have been placed on hold. At this time, I am unable to provide further details regarding this matter."

"It's just, it's been so awful and it was occupying so much of my time," Daniels said.

"Do you have any message to these expecting parents and these surrogates who are so upset at Dominique?"

"I mean, I understand you know, that they're upset. I do. I have. I mean, I, I really understand where they're coming from 'cause I have to put myself in their place," Parks-Hinton said.

Meanwhile the allegations against Side are staggering. About two dozen families suing Side in Harris County allege that "more than 600 families" have been "defrauded" by "SEAM and Dominque" ... "accounting for more than ten million in escrow funds that appear to have vanished."

The suit claims the "defendants' actions are nothing short of evil."

Side promoted her brand on podcasts, like the "Vegan Mainstream Podcast."

The Harris County suit alleges many of her side businesses she was pushing, were funded with money she funneled from SEAM. They include side businesses like a vegan fashion line called "Nikki Green," a music studio and music career, with Side using the stage name "Dom."

But her mother says the glitz, glamour and good times displayed in these videos have all faded as the allegations mount.

"I mean, she's struggling. She's having a very hard time," Parks-Hinton said.

"In what way? Can you let us know how?"

"Because of the type of person she is. She has a conscience," Parks-Hinton replied.

"Do you believe she deliberately funneled money out of that escrow account?"

"No, I don't. Okay. But y'all have a blessed day," Parks-Hinton said.

The FBI says it too has an active and ongoing investigation into SEAM.

If you too allege that you have lost money through SEAM, the FBI has a special online form you can fill out.

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