Rat infestation ruins Freeport Police Department's annual Blue Santa Toy Drive

Friday, November 29, 2024
A group of pests derails a charitable mission in Freeport on Monday.
A group of pests derailed a charitable mission in Freeport on Monday, affecting several families' Christmas.

FREEPORT, Texas (KTRK) -- A group of pests derailed a charitable mission in Freeport on Monday.

The Blue Santa Toy Drive, held by the Freeport Police Department, was put in jeopardy after rats soiled hundreds of donations.

Since 2015, Freeport has orchestrated Christmas magic for kids across the community.

Every year, their Blue Santa program provides toys to over 300 families.

"It's one of the best parts of jobs being able to see the smiles on kids' faces when they see the toys that Santa brought," Chief Jennifer Howell with the Freeport Police Department.

Howell says that on Monday, the department's elves were ready to get to work, but unfortunately, some rats beat them to it. Howell said they infiltrated their city storage facility and ruined all the toys.

"Very heartbreaking to ultimately throw all those toys away, but after speaking to the CDC and the Department of State and Health Services, it just wasn't worth any risk, for you know, any child to get sick," she said.

Word of their incredible loss reached the ears of Angleton restaurant owner Jim Luna.

It was a divine intervention, really, given that he had been searching to no avail for a place to donate the toys he and some sponsors had collected.

"It was meant to be. It wasn't planned, and usually, those are the biggest blessings when you just find it," Luna said.

Luna and his grandson did just that on a holiday centered around giving. They delivered four industrial-size bags full of toys.

"I said,' 'Hey, we have three more at my sister-in-law's house, so we are going to bring those tomorrow morning,'" Luna said.

So, how did the rats get in? Chief Howell said it was an unfortunate side effect of Hurricane Beryl and the damage it did to their city buildings.

It appears they took a page out of the Grinch's book.

"The rats stole Christmas, and we were able to push those grinches away," said Luna.

If you'd like to donate, there is still a need. You can drop off toys or monetary donations at the Freeport Police Department.

For updates on this story, follow Alex Bozarjian on Facebook, X and Instagram.

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