Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick says failing economy is worse than coronavirus

Jeff Ehling Image
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Dan Patrick: Failing economy is worse than COVID-19
Despite numerous calls to stay home and dozens of businesses closes, this is what Texas Lt. Governor Dan Patrick says should be done.

Despite numerous calls to stay home and dozens of businesses closes, Texas' Lt. Governor Dan Patrick is saying the state should get back to work.

Patrick is saying he does not want to see the nation as a whole sacrificed in an effort to contain the coronavirus, and that people over the age of 70 will "take care of ourselves."

Statewide, there have been 803 confirmed cases, with eight deaths. Locally, there are almost 200 confirmed cases and two deaths.

The Centers for Disease Control says people over the age of 65 are at higher risk from the coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19.

Patrick, who is 69 years old, falls in the ranks of those at high risk but says it's a high risk he is willing to take to preserve the economic well being of the nation.

"I want to live smart, and see through this, but I don't want the whole country to be sacrificed and that's what I see," Patrick said.

On Tuesday morning, Patrick released the following statement about his remarks.

"I was very clear last night that we should continue President Trump's 15-day plan and if he believes we need more time, then we need more time. I trust his judgement.

But at some point, sooner rather than later, we must get back to work before our nation totally collapses.

We can do two things at once -- address the health care crisis and get people their jobs back - while following the CDC guidelines in a smart way.

When you close the doors of every business in America, you cannot help but destroy the economy and with it, the opportunity for the next generation to live the American dream."

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The Associated Press Contributed to this post.

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