Correction: Vortex Turnkey Solutions

Friday, February 16, 2024

On January 24, 2024, KTRK published an Article online titled "Houston mayor calls for better screening of contractors, citing 'several' mid-project bankruptcies." The Article, which was based on information received from City officials, has since been removed. KTRK learned that much of that information was inaccurate or requires further clarification. In particular, Vortex Turnkey Solutions did not go bankrupt, as was initially reported. Vortex also says that, while the contract discussed in the Article was affected by pandemic related cost increases, which caused the City to cease any further work orders under the contract, Vortex completed the work orders that had already been issued under the contract and continues to work with the City on a number of other projects. Finally, while the Article reported that "emergency purchase orders" had been issued costing more than $1mm, Vortex advises that that information is incorrect and that no such emergency purchase orders were needed nor issued under contract 4235-1000.