Trump Aboard US Battleship: 'I Am With the Veterans 100%'

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump said Monday evening "We have illegal immigrants that are treated better by far than our Veterans." Speaking on board the World War II-era battleship USS Iowa in Los Angeles, Trump addressed supporters as about 200 protesters were on the shore chanting. One held a sign reading "no human is illegal."

"We're gonna make our military so big and so strong and so great," said Trump. Trump also said he would make it his mission to reform the VA and provide better medical care to veterans.

The event is the last planned Trump campaign rally ahead of Wednesday's second Republican debate.

Trump told press Saturday in Boone, IA he wants "to talk about a lot of different things. There's so many things you can talk about. They can talk Obama Care, they can talk- but what we're really talking about, in my opinion, security, the military, of which I really know a lot about. I think one of the biggest surprises if I win will be how good I am at national security."

Trump was invited on board the USS Iowa by Veterans for a Strong America, who announced they're endorsing the real estate mogul. As he exited, he waved to the protesters, gave them a thumbs up as they booed and he sped away.

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