Teen "ashamed" after Nazi flag video goes viral

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Teen ashamed after Nazi flag video goes viral
Teen ashamed after Nazi flag video goes viral

INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana -- An Indiana teen has lost his job and now he's worried about his parents, after a video of him chanting racial slurs and holding a Nazi flag, went viral.

The video was of Mat Blood draped with the Nazi flag. Blood admits, "saying on a megaphone a lot of hateful things that I shouldn't have."

Blood says he was dared to say the things he said. "I'm sincerely ashamed, I wish I wouldn't have done it," said Blood.

Blood said he lost his job and is worried his parents might too and he's worried about his future. Blood said, "I planned to join the army but that's probably not gonna happen now. I'm so sorry for all the people I've offended, I'm ashamed of myself, there's no question about it, my family's ashamed of me and like I wish I could change it."

The Noblesville High School administration is now looking into the incident... But would not say whether or not disciplinary action would be taken.

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