NEW YORK -- Manspreading -- one of the many fouls a rider can commit on public transit - is among some new words added to the dictionary this year.
Oxford Dictionaries released its list of newly-added informal words Thursday.
The word "manspreading" received some recent attention after the MTA posted signs throughout the New York City Subway system encouraging courteous rider behaviors with a cartoon-like diagram of manspreading.
Here's Oxford's official definition of the new noun:
"the practice whereby a man, especially one travelling on public transport, adopts a sitting position with his legs wide apart, in such a way as to encroach on an adjacent seat or seats"
And there are plenty of real photos posted to social media that show just that happening in NYC:
In celebration the addition, the NYC Transit Museum is selling a special "manspreading" mug. How "awesomesauce" is that? Well, that's a new word added, too. Its official definition is: Extremely good; excellent.
Other words that were added to the Oxford Dictionary are:
Mic drop: instance of deliberately dropping or tossing aside one's microphone at the end of a performance or speech one considers to have been particularly impressive
Brain fart: a temporary mental lapse or failure to reason correctly
These additions will certainly please the hungry and thirsty:
Hangry: bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger
Snackable: (Of food) suitable to be eaten as a snack
Cupcakery: A bakery that specializes in cupcakes
Beer o'clock: An appropriate time of day for starting to drink beer
Wine o'clock: An appropriate time of day for starting to drink wine
The words "butt-dial" and "pocket-dial" also made the dictionary, along with "cat cafe."
Click here to check out Oxford Dictionaries full blog post about the new words.