Tennessee girl, 8, calls 911 to save babysitter's life

Friday, August 15, 2014
Girl hailed as hero for saving babysitter's life
The 8-year-old jumped into action when her sitter fell unconscious

KNOXVILLE, TN (KTRK) -- An eight-year-old Tennessee girl is being hailed as a hero for saving her babysitter's life.

The sitter fell unconscious, and the young girl jumped into action, using the sitter's cell phone to call 911.

Josie Zavala recalled telling the 911 operator, "My mom's at work. My baby-sitter is passed out on the couch."

Josie knew the babysitter wasn't well, even though she was supposed to be caring for the girl and her six-year-old brother Roman.

An ambulance took the sitter to the hospital, while police remained in touch with the children and their mother.

Josie's mother, Teresa Lowe, was at work nearby when she got the frightening phone call, but she's proud of her daughter for keeping her wits about her and saving the day.

"It's scary to know that she had to deal with that and the thing is she knew not to really freak out and react in a way that it would cause her brother to react," Lowe said.

Josie said she learned about calling 911 in a safety class at school.

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