Proposal plan seeks to pay officers for living in neighborhoods they patrol

Miya Shay Image
Friday, December 19, 2014
Plan would reward officers for where they live
Councilman C.O. Bradford says more officers should be living in the neighborhoods they patrol and should be paid more to do so

HOUSTON (KTRK) -- A Houston City Council member wants to pay Houston police officers a bonus for living within the city limits. City Council Member C.O. Bradford outlined his plans today in a memo to Mayor Annise Parker. The theory being, as more police officers live in the cities where they patrol, there will be better relationships and a deeper understanding of various communities.

The plan highlights three main points, according to the memo:

1. The City of Houston shall designate a specified number of slots in various zip codes, as determined by the City of Houston, to be offered to HPD officers as their place of domicile.

2. Each volunteering officer selected for such slot will be entitled to annual incentive pay of $10,000.00 above their regular salary.

3. The officer must establish his/her legal domicile and actually reside at the specified location for a minimum of five (5) years.

Bradford was not personally available to discuss the idea, but it does come as a surprise to Houston Police Officers Union President Ray Hunt.

"This is the first time it's been brought up," says Hunt, who points out this has not been a topic of discussion during contract negotiations, which are ongoing right now. "You don't start looking at incentives until you first get your officers up, until where you have to be with base pay. We don't have that, so I think it's way premature to start talking about incentives."

Hunt also points out that it's currently against state law to require police officers to live in cities where they work. Though across the country, a number of police departments do have a residency requirement.

We talked to several long time Houstonians at a Second Ward burger joint about their thoughts. In a state that prides itself in independence, the idea of a residency bonus got, at best, a tepid reaction.

"Just regular salary of what's due for the police officers should do," said Elizabeth Forney. "And, they should respect everybody and treat everybody the same."

Lisa Griffin, another woman getting a late lunch order chimed in.

"I think you live where you want to live, it's America, the way I see it."

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