This Week in Texas: Paxton reaches deal, HPD's case shelving, Houston's budget, and post office woes

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Sunday, March 31, 2024
This Week in Texas: Paxton reaches deal, HPD's case shelving, Houston's budget, and post-office woes
This Week in Texas, ABC13 highlights major political developments, from the courtroom to the launchpad, to the post office to council chambers.

On an all-new episode of This Week in Texas, there are major developments on several political fronts. From the courtroom to the launchpad, to the post office to council chambers, ABC13 is highlighting them.

Texas immigration law SB4 is on hold again and Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton reached a deal in his long lingering criminal case.

There is also more fallout from HPD's shelving of a quarter million cases while the city of Houston deals with a potential budget shortfall.

"On an annual basis, we're spending somewhere between $150 and $200 million more than is coming in," City Controller Chris Hollins said.

ABC13 talks bonds and finance, and explores the ongoing issues with the postal service in parts of southeast Texas.

Plus, stay tuned for a big announcement from NASA and Governor Greg Abbott.

Missed an episode? Catch up on previous episodes of This Week in Texas here.

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