DIY: Christmas stocking holder

ByKat Cosley
Thursday, December 4, 2014

HOUSTON -- You don't have to have a fireplace mantel to hang your stockings, create this easy DIY Christmas stocking holder with just a few items from Lowe's and your local craft store.

Items Needed

Wood from Lowe's 2 ft long

Americana acrylic paint (Red, White, Green)

Deco Art paint writer (white, red, green)

Single prong robe hook (as many hooks as you have stockings)

Printed stencil

Sponge brushes

Small paint brush

Drill or screwdriver

Frame hook

Lowe's will cut the wood for you for free if you do not have a way to cut it. Paint the wood with 2 - 3 coats of Americana Acrylic paint, letting it dry at least 20 minutes in between coats. To create a cute stencil, use a word program on your computer and make the font as big as you want it to be on your stocking holder. Using the Deco Art paint writer, trace the stencil onto the wood. Paint in the words with acrylic paint and the small paint brush. You may have to paint 2 - 3 coats, let it dry at least 20 minutes in between coats. Trace around the white letters with another color of paint writer. Add a decorative touch to your wood using the end of a sponge brush and dip it in different colors of acrylic paint. Seal the wood with an acrylic sealer. Place a frame hook on the back of the plaque and then measure where the hooks will go on the front of the plaque and screw them into the wood.

Special Thanks to Crafting with Adeina for this post. Visit her website for more holiday DIY's