Authorities investigating rash of gun thefts in League City

Thursday, July 12, 2018
Authorities investigating rash of gun thefts in League City
Authorities investigating rash of gun thefts in League City

LEAGUE CITY, Texas (KTRK) -- The thought of guns ending up in the wrong hands makes responsible gun owners cringe.

"I think what you're seeing is more people are buying guns so they probably are having people with guns in their car and guns in their home. People are catching on to that," said Gary, a League City gun owner.

League City Police say seven car burglaries in a week aren't uncommon, what is uncommon is the thieves running away with stolen guns from all those vehicles.

"It's best for home defense and I don't think you should keep it in your car. I would tell people not to keep it in their car," said Gary.

Investigators say the recent thefts have been concentrated in neighborhoods west of I-45, south of 518 and north of 96 -- also known as West League City Parkway.

"It's the jackpot for them," said Officer Kelly Williamson, the Media Relations Officer with the League City Police Department.

Officers say the guns were stolen from cars parked at residences and in many cases the cars were unlocked.

"The people who are most likely taking them are not related to Mother Teresa or the Pope, so we anticipate those will pop up at a later date somewhere on the street and hopefully it's not shooting somebody," said Williamson.

The chances of the guns being recovered by a serial number are slim, but if the owner has one it will be entered in a national database.

League City has a free gun safety lock program that can secure your gun and keep it out of the hands of children or criminals.

"It's pretty scary. I live in a pretty safe neighborhood but it's best to keep your guns locked up in gun safes where there's not easy access to kids or theft. Don't keep you gun in your car," said gun owner Stephen Burnes.

If you'd like to participate in the gun safety lock program you can visit the League City Police Department at 555 West Walker Street and ask for a lock in the lobby.

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