What's new in Breast Cancer Screening Technology?

ByJohanna Trupp & Emily Sowa Localish logo
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
What's new in Breast Cancer screening tech?
What's new in Breast Cancer screening tech?Breast Cancer Screening: The newest technology for early detection | Glam Lab

NEW YORK -- In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Glam Lab checks out the latest and greatest in screening technology.

We've all heard it- early detection can mean SURVIVAL and these new innovations are making that checkup safer, more accessible and even more comfortable.

From the Mammovan, a spacious mammography on wheels that comes to YOU, to a new scan without the painful compression and genetic testing that can help doctors better understand the potential risk for some women.

Glam Lab sits down with NewBeauty Editor at large, Sarah Eggenberger who researched all the latest tech so women know their options.

Remember ladies, we all need to get checked!

Related: How the BRCA gene is changing the conversation on breast reconstruction

The American Cancer Society suggests women should start getting a yearly mammogram between the ages of 40 and 45 unless they are at a higher risk due factors such as genetics.

For the full scoop on the latest screening tech and how it's even helping women with breast reconstruction, check out the NewBeauty article here!

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