FRIENDSWOOD, TX (KTRK) -- Friendswood police have busted four house parties involving underage drinking in the last two weeks, and they've issued 48 citations related to the offense.
"We seem to have some slow learners, because we've had repeat offenders," Friendswood Police Chief Bob Wieners said.
On July 13th, police cited or arrested three young men under the age of 21 on charges related to underage drinking: Gavin Vriend, Hunter Lytle, Connor Idoux and Marcus Soler. Stephanie Idoux Hudson, 54, was charged with furnishing alcohol to minors, a Class A misdemeanor which carries up to a $4,000 fine and jail time.
Idoux was at the home on Stonehenge Drive Friday.
"It wasn't a party," Idoux said. "There were like 12 people there. Now leave me alone."
One of the repeat offenders, Marcus Soler, 20, said he has learned his lesson.
"I'd say so, yeah," Soler said. "That underage drinking will get you in trouble."
Chief Wieners said parents should be aware of what their teenagers are doing this summer.
"When they get the phone call from us that they're either here at the jail or down at the emergency room," Wieners said. "That's not a phone call any parent wants to get."