FREE BOOKS: Program gives children book each month from birth

Friday, August 3, 2018
Free books from birth
Your child could get a book for free every month.

Your child could receive a free book each month!

Made possible through Dolly Parton's Imagination Library, the program is limited to certain zip codes, but one Houston woman hopes that will change.

Tiffaney Lopez discovered Dolly's Imagination Library about two years ago.

"For me, it helped build a routine of reading with my child. As soon as she saw that book show up, it was, 'Can we read it, can we read it?' And it did not stop until we sat down and ran it twice," Lopez said.

From birth to five years old, your child will receive a book addressed to them in the mail each month.

Starting with picture books, shapes, colors, and the program eventually ends with a graduation book at age five. It's a learning program the local Rotary Club adopted three years ago.

"The Dolly Parton Library is a proven way of getting kids where they need to be because they are ready to read when they hit kindergarten," said Rotary Club member Jay Taylor.

There are a limited number of local participating zip codes in the Houston area, located east of Highway 288, in the 3rd ward, along Old Spanish Trail, and including Brookhaven and the Sunnyside community.

The Rotary Club of University Area sponsors the local zip codes.

"The Rotary Club raises the money. It costs $26 to support one child," said Rotary Club President-elect GV Krishnan.

Right now the Rotary Club raises funds to support 170 children a month and plans to increase to 250 or 300 children by the end of the year.

With 62 clubs across the greater Houston area, if the demand for this program grows in more zip codes, they will launch it, but need to hear from you.

Email to request to add your zip codes.

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