Pennsylvania woman mistakenly billed $284 billion for electricity

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Tuesday, December 26, 2017
Woman shocked with receiving $284 billion power bill
Woman shocked with receiving $284 billion power bill

ERIE, Pennsylvania (KTRK) -- Talk about a shock.

A woman received a $284 billion power bill earlier this month, telling the Erie Times-News that she wondered if she put up her Christmas lights up wrong.

According to the newspaper, Mary Horomanski was due to pay a minimum payment of $28,156 for the bill, and she didn't have to pay the entire amount until November 2018.

Horomanski contacted her son about the bill that was equivalent to just a fraction of the U.S. national debt.

Electricity provider Penelec confirmed the bill was in error, but it couldn't pinpoint how it happened.

A spokesman said a decimal point was accidentally moved.

"I can't recall ever seeing a bill for billions of dollars," said Mark Durbin, spokeman for Penelec's parent company First Energy. "We appreciate the customer's willingness to reach out to us about the mistake."

The bill was reduced to just $284.46.

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