Looking for a part-time job? Disney says it needs a little help making the magic, and you can do it from the comfort of your own home!
The company is hiring part-time, work-from-home reps to help handle guest services for the Disney Store.
Applicants must live in Texas and have a high school diploma or equivalent.
Disney said you'll also need a high-speed internet connection at home.
This cast member position requires a flexible schedule that may require you to take call-in shifts during evening, holiday and weekend hours.
Here's what you'll do if you're hired:
Applicants who have previous retail or customer service experience are preferred, but all are welcome to apply.
Read more about the position on the Disney Careers website
Want to see other jobs Disney has open? Check them out at DisneyCareers.com.
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The Walt Disney Company is the parent company of the Disney Store and ABC13.
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