HOUSTON (KTRK) -- A mother picking up her kids from school says she reported and recorded a woman behaving inappropriately behind the wheel of a daycare van, but the owner of the van and daycare says the six-second video clip doesn't tell the whole story and their lives have been unfairly changed.
The mother asks we call her Sue and says she wanted to share the video clip she took with her cell phone after picking up her children from school. She says the woman behind the wheel of the van, marked with a daycare sign, was speeding through a school zone near Pershing Middle School. She also says the driver was talking on a cell phone and driving erratically.
"If I was a parent I would want to know that my children were in that situation," says Sue.
The mom also claims the kids weren't buckled in.
"I was honking at her so I could say hey, you are in a school zone and you need to slow down. You have a van full of children, none of which was buckled in," says Sue.
She says she posted the clip to other moms on social media and made a complaint to Child Care Licensing. The Texas Department of Family and Protective Services is investigating. Spokeswoman Shari Pulliam says, "Child Care Licensing is in possession of the video and we are conducting a full investigation."
Shaunte Thomas admits she is the woman in the video and watched the clip we were sent and exclaims, "Wow!" She denies the allegations of driving erratically, speeding through a school zone and says she wasn't on her cell phone until the mother started following her.
"I was not on the phone when she first tried to get my attention," says Thomas.
Since then Thomas says she's gotten plenty of emails. Reading one that says, "We have video of you, how dare you, disgusting." She also says someone kept driving by their home, prompting the pastor's wife and day care owner to file a harassment complaint with Pearland Police. She says their lives have been turned upside down.
"I sincerely regret that clip, I do. I can't take it back but I think the people who know me and know me well enough, they know it's not me," says Thomas.
Thomas runs a day care but says she was transporting a dance team that day and adds, "They were belted in." She says the video doesn't tell the entire story, claiming "Sue" followed her for blocks.
"The kids are saying, she's cussing you out, she's cussing you out. Her son was next to her acting erratically as well," says Thomas.
She turns the tables back on the mom asking, "How can you drive and see what's in front of you? If you're accusing me of putting kids in danger, I think you're doing the same thing."
The mom stands behind her story and says, "I have every right to let those other parents know what she's doing."
CPS says the investigation into the transportation issues and the listed family home compliance is still open.
Thomas has been asked to cease operation pending the outcome of the investigation.