Free online ocean science classes for kids during coronavirus

Wednesday, April 22, 2020
A marine scientist is teaching free online courses in ocean science.
A marine scientist is giving free online courses in ocean science for parents looking to entertain and educate their children at home during COVID-19.

LOS ANGELES -- For parents who want to keep their kids at home educated and entertained, one marine scientist from Southern California is now offering free science classes online amid coronavirus pandemic.

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 11 am, Apryl Boyle, founder of the non-profit El Porto Shark, offers 15 to 30-minute classes.

"I especially want to get it to those who don't normally get to take ocean marine sciences," said Apryl Boyle, founder of the non-profit El Porto Shark.

Prior to the online courses, Boyle had been giving talks at different schools, including in Compton and Inglewood, and had taken some students to the beach for surf lessons.

"The ocean regulates everything, you know, life on Earth, our weather, our food," Boyle said. "So, it's incredibly important to take care of it."

Boyle said she tries to offer something for all education levels. At the end of the lessons, she provides worksheets, coloring pages or assigns reading. She went on to say that she's open to discussing any questions her students may have and will even grade and send back their homework.

"What I'm trying to do is get kids and anyone who are interested in the ocean even a little bit to understand they don't have to be a marine biologist," Boyle said.

Roxana Vamvulescu said her eight-year-old gets excited about Boyle's classes, and she likes how the class is for all ages.

"I love the fact that she talks as a scientist as well," Vamvulescu said. "It's not, you know, just like a visit at the aquarium pretty picture kind of thing."

Vamvulescu said despite the circumstances, she's thankful to have Boyle offer this service.

"I think there's going to be silver linings like this, you know, all over," Vamvulescu said. "I'm very grateful for it."

To access her classes, check out her Facebook page ,