Family owned pet boutique offers glamorous accessories

Pooja Lodhia Image
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
Family owned pet boutique offers glamorous accessories
Walking into Flying M Feed Company feels like walking into a family dinner.

Walking into Flying M Feed Company feels like walking into a family dinner.

Seriously, owner Trace Menchaca runs the store with her mother, Mimi, and daughter, Lea.

"As three generations of women, we boss all of our boys around here in the store," Trace laughed. "It's like a dream come true actually."

Trace's husband is an ABC13 news photographer.

Together, they opened Flying M as a small delivery company back in 2012.

Now, it's a pet boutique filled with glamorous accessories.

"People will have full blown birthday parties for their dogs," Trace explained.

The family at Flying M just keeps growing.

Chloe Carre is the newest employee.

"I like to be called special needs because it makes me feel happy and it makes me feel that I'm special and I like who I am," she said, with a smile.

Carre is a student at the Monarch School in Spring Branch. She'd like to become a pet groomer one day.

"Sometimes they find that people just won't give them that chance, so employers like us partner with the school to give them that first chance so they get work experience," Trace explained.

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