New video shows Charlie Hebdo gunmen fleeing the scene, shooting at police

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Tuesday, January 13, 2015
Charlie Hebdo murder suspects Cherif, left, and Said Kouachi.
AP Photo

A new video emerged Tuesday, Jan. 13, showing the two gunmen responsible for murdering 12 people in France as they flee the scene at the satirical Charlie Hebdo magazine offices in Paris.

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The cellphone video shows two masked gunmen, brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi, standing in the street outside of their car, and reloading their weapons immediately after their attack on Charlie Hebdo editorial staff.

"We have avenged the Prophet Mohammed," shouts one of the gunmen to the neighboring buildings.

The two men get into their car, and begin driving away, but stop about a block away when they see a police cruiser up ahead. The two men exit the vehicle and exchange gunfire with the police, resulting in the officer having to retreat his vehicle up a narrow street in reverse.

Said and Cherif Kouachi were killed two days later, on Jan. 9, after a massive manhunt and standoff with police inside of a printing plant northeast of Paris.

The first issue of Charlie Hebdo since the terrorist attack, published Jan. 13, features a political cartoon cover art of the Prophet Mohammed weeping.