On Friday, they received an anonymous tip that a ranch party was scheduled to take place Saturday at an open field in the Huffman area, and it had been promoted across social media websites, according to the Harris County Sheriff's Office.
When deputies arrived at the location Friday afternoon, they say they found someone had cut a lock at the gate of a private property. Deputies then contacted the property owners, and they confirmed no one had been given permission to use their land.
That's when deputies went on the property and found the party's organizers, 19-year-old twins Shawn and Dashawn Butler, as well as a juvenile. Deputies arrested each of them on a charge of criminal trespassing.
Deputies say they then convinced one of the Butler twins to post a message on his social media page that read in part, "The Ranch Party is canceled! The Harris County Sheriff's Department are 100% aware of this party and will be in full force in the Huffman area."
The organizers said they had expected as many as 4,000 people to attend the event. The Harris County Sheriff's Office says it took immediate action because they expected underage drinking and drug use, among other things, at the party.