Mysterious sight seen in Houston sky

HOUSTON Several Spring residents say they saw a strange aircraft flying overhead late Saturday afternoon. They described it as having no lights, unlike planes that fly overhead usually towards the airport and leaving hefty vapor trails. Residents say it circled overhead twice, cut a patch and then circled there before coming back above their homes.

One man said no one knew what this was and all of this happening on the anniversary of 9/11 terrified him. He says he's still shaken and doesn't know if he'll be able to sleep tonight.

"I have never seen this before. We see planes fly out of Intercontinental Airport every night, going over our house," said eyewitness Pete Smith. "This didn't fly over. This made a U-pattern, made another circular pattern, went to the south, turned again and started to take off."

"No lights?" we asked.

"No lights and on 9/11," he said.

A NASA spokesman said this is an unfortunate coincidence that all of this misunderstanding took place on the anniversary of 9/11. He says this is a high-altitude research aircraft that was flying at 50,000 feet. The plane made several flights earlier this week without anyone noticing. On Saturday, however, the atmospheric conditions made those vapor trails visible.

If you took pictures of the aircraft and its contrails, send them in to the Eyewitness Newsroom.

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