Ask a Snuggie owner about the blanket with arms and you'll find near unanimous praise for the product.
"I like the arms," said Snuggie owner Sheila Shackelford. "I like to be able to have hands free and my husband and I read a lot. We thought that was helpful and we can still stay warm."
"I use my Snuggie all the time when I am watching TV, when doing homework," added Snuggie owner Allison Dehart. "It has the sleeves and I don't have to keep moving the blanket."
While there's no doubt the Snuggie can keep you warm and allow your arms room to roam, Snuggie owners are now being sent something that could give their bank account the chills. Checks have been going out to those who bought the Snuggie and at first glance, it looks like owners will be getting $8.25 back from the blanket maker.
But the check is actually from the operator of a savings club. By signing the check and cashing it, it gives Snuggie the authorization to transfer your credit card number to 'Great Fun,' the company behind the savings club.
The membership will allow those who cash the check to get 2 percent back on credit card purchases, but the cost of membership is $150 a year.
"There is no way that we would do that," said Shackelford. "The Snuggie was very reasonably priced and that was all we needed."
"I think people see the check for $8.25 and they are going to sign it and go cash it," added Dehart.
Snuggie officials say they have not transferred any credit card information to Great Fun, and will not unless the check is endorsed and cashed. Snuggie and Great Fun have done nothing wrong in sending the solicitations. Those who bought other TV advertised products also report getting similar check-based offers.
Consumer advocates say the membership fee is the best reason they can give for reading the fine print before signing anything.
"Everybody gets frustrated with the fine print," said Deana Turner with the Houston Better Business Bureau. "But the deal is you have to read it to be sure you are not being roped into something."
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