New gig for Sheila Jackson Lee ?

HOUSTON We are talking about Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. She was a strong Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter during the presidential race. Now there are reports that Secretary of State Clinton may be returning the favor.

The rumors aren't new, but they seem to be gaining steam. Although the congresswoman has maintained she's not going anywhere, that's not stopping others from jockeying for a potential congressional opening.

Earlier this week, Lee was talking up the economic stimulus package, and talking down any rumors that she might be leaving her day job.

"I am happily serving in the 18th congressional district, and I have no knowledge of doing anything other than serving in that district and running for re-election in 2010," she said.

But rumors that the congresswoman may be heading over to the State Department have swirled for months and lots of people are jockeying for the job.

Houston City Councilmember Jolanda Jones said, "I think anyone who's committed to public service should look at it."

Jones is just one of a long list of interested candidates. They include her council colleagues Jarvis Johnson and Ronald Green.

"Certainly with an open seat, I'd have to consider it," Green said.

State Rep. Sylverster Turner is also interested and our political analyst isn't surprised.

"If there's a special election, it'll sure be a free for all because it's very attractive to all these politicos that don't have to give up their jobs to run," said KTRK Political Consultant Dr. Richard Murray.

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