THE WOODLANDS, TX (KTRK) -- There's construction wherever you look in The Woodlands. And a new Exxon Mobil campus is expected to bring in 10,000 employees by next year.
"A lot of international people like me and my family," said Lauren Kenton, who recently moved here from England. "There's a lot of people coming to work for oil and gas."
Even the federal government has noticed the population growth, awarding Woodlands Township more than $14 million over the next three years to fund its Park and Ride program.
The money would allow the township to buy 25 buses. The township currently leases its buses and has very few options when it comes to changing routes.
One major goal now is to add routes from Houston instead of to Houston.
"We're starting to see a reverse commute opportunity," said Gordy Bunch, the chairmon of the Convention and Visitors Bureau. "You came to the Woodlands 40 years ago, most people commuted into downtown Houston through the Hardy Tollroad or Park and Ride. What we're seeing today is a lot of people commuting to work into The Woodlands."
If the township chooses to accept the transportation grant, it will have to contribute $3 million to the program.
A decision is expected by August 5.
If it passes, the new buses would arrive by this time next year.