Woman buying dress online explains struggle of online shopping

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Thursday, March 12, 2015

What happened when this woman ordered a dress online captures the pitfalls of online shopping, and the photos have quickly gone viral.

Click through to see the advertised photos vs the real product:

A woman in China, who recently ordered a nightclub dress from Chinese online retailer Taobao, posted photos of herself donning the dress -- though it wasn't exactly as advertised.

The dress is styled after the one actress Jaimie Alexander wore to the Thor 2: Dark World premiere in 2013.

The dress is styled after the one actress Jaimie Alexander wore to the 'Thor 2: Dark World' premiere in 2013


Though not the same dress, it's obvious that the one this woman received did not match the 'body sculpting' quality that was promised. After the photos had gone viral, Twitter users were divided on whether the dress manufacturer, or the buyer, was at fault.

The buyer, however, was thrilled with the purchase. When posting the photos, she wrote a positive review roughly translating to: "My baby has arrived! The quality is great, and it's so sexy. I'll definitely be back for more."