Camping gone wild, one woman sent home on a date on 'The Bachelor'

ByJennifer Matarese KTRK logo
Tuesday, January 27, 2015
It's off to San Francisco for Chris and six bachelorettes for the last group date. Dressed in wedding gowns, the women have to complete a difficult mud run.

NEW YORK -- Chris Harrison Told the ladies that Chris is sincere and that he's there for the "right reasons". He also told the ladies that Chris' three sisters will decide which of them will be going on a one-on-one date with him this week. Other than that one-on-one, there will be two group dates. The first date was for Megan, Kaitlyn, Ashley S., Ashley I., Juelia, Samantha, Mackenzie, and Kelsey. The card read, "Let's do what comes natural..."

The ladies and Chris headed out in two cars and made their way into the woods. Ashely I. had on some unzipped jean shorts that looked not very virgin-like. They weren't on for long as they all stripped down and jumped into the lake to do some swimming. The next thing you know, Kaitlyn is stripping off her bikini and skinny dipping. Kelsey was grossed out and called it a date for bimbos.

At the house, Chris' three sisters arrived. Jillian was lying out by the pool in a skimpy, skimpy bikini that the show's editors had to cover up with a black box...again. The sisters spoke to Whiney about her job as a fertility nurse and whether she could still do that job in Iowa and also about how her one-on-one date went with Chris. Britt told the sisters that she feels like she is a frontrunner. The others all went one-by-one and pleaded their cases. The sisters seemed to like Jade a lot because she is from Nebraska and she also started her own organic makeup company. Carly had one of the worst conversations because I think she just made the sisters feel uncomfortable with the fact that she said she's never been with a man who treated her well and how she just wants to be with someone like her grandpa.

Meantime in the woods, Kelsey is having a horrible time. During her interview she even got stung by a bee right on her upper thigh! Ouch! Then they showed the ladies and Chris trying to set up their tents. Some of the ladies were actually very fast at it while others took nearly forever!

The next date card arrived and it said "Jade, Your presence is requested at our royal ball at 8 p.m. until the royal stroke of midnight. It's a surprise, the prince doesn't know." So just as I thought, Jade won the date! Jade was thrilled to the point of tears.

As nighttime fell, Chris barbequed some kabobs over a campfire for the ladies. He says that he wants to go camping with his children someday, so it's important to him to see how the ladies handle being out there. Kaitlyn and Chris spoke and he told her that he's a touchy feely guy and that he feels that he's like an old man already. She said that it doesn't make her happy when people just buy her things, but it means more to her to spend time with someone and do something worthwhile. He's very impressed with her.

The rest of the women noticed that Kelsey was acting like a brat in the woods, but then every time Chris would come around she would light up. The women all said that she's "phony baloney". Ashley S. started hiccupping and then saying some weird random stuff and singing songs around the fire and the rest of the ladies weren't much better as they started guzzling whiskey. Chris tried to scare the ladies by wearing a chainsaw mask. Ashley S.' time with Chris didn't seem to go much better. She's either super crazy or gets incredibly strange when she drinks. That didn't stop Ashley S. from going in for a kiss with Chris. He oddly didn't seem that opposed to it. I really can't even make sense of the stuff she was saying to Chris.

Ashley I.'s time with Chris went much better. She talked about how she was a nerd and then Chris went in for some make out time with her. I'm more impressed with her ability to keep on makeup with fake eyelashes out while camping without looking gross. Despite that, the date rose went to Kaitlyn. She was super drunk when he gave her the rose and she admitted it! After the rose was handed out, they all retired to their tents. All except Ashley I. She decided to sneak into his tent so she could tell him about her virginity. She didn't say it in so many words, but said that she was "inexperienced in every way possible." Chris told the cameras that he totally didn't understand anything she was saying because he was half asleep and she wasn't being very direct. She still decided to stick around to make out.

The ladies returned from their date to learn that Jade was awarded the big one-on-one date. Then, all of a sudden, some makeup and hairstylists showed up to get Jade ready for the big ball. The other women were so jealous! Jade picked out the ugliest dress; it was like a blue peacock. The stylist told her that she would get to keep the diamond earrings by Neil Lane and the fancy shoes too. So they used this date to promote the new Disney "Cinderella" movie. The ladies' cheered when her makeover was finally done. Jade looked beautiful! She then got whisked away by a chauffeur.

Cut to a shot of Chris practicing ballroom dancing by himself and getting nervous as he waited for his date to arrive. At the top of a grand staircase, Jade appeared and Chris had a big smile and started to blush a bit! Chris said he was really excited that it was her. Jade told Chris that she was engaged before but it was back when she was 21 and she was really young. It just didn't work out apparently and Chris revealed that he was also engaged. He said they dated for 7 years, did the long distance thing, and it didn't work out so they broke things off. It seemed like they had a really big connection through that similar experience.

Jade spoke to Chris about how it's tough to find friends living in LA as opposed to Omaha. He seemed to agree with her there. Chris grabbed the date rose and offered it to her! He told her that she really deserved the date and that the "princess thing" really works for her. Then he told her that he had another surprise and it was a full orchestra playing music for them to dance to! It was really sweet! It really was like a real-life fairytale. But, just like the fairytale, Jade has to go home at midnight.

The last group-date card said "Let's get dirty". They went outside to find six big boxes with the ladies' names on them and inside were wedding dresses! They all dressed up in their wedding dresses and went to a private plane. When they landed, Chris was waiting for them at a limo that took them to a course called "Muck Fest MS". It's a mud and obstacle run that benefits people with MS and research for MS. This is right up Jillian's alley! I don't see anyone beating her! Some of the girls were stuck wearing sleeveless dresses! They kept falling down! The dresses were also really heavy to do that kind of activity in. Chris stayed back and helped Carly who was having trouble running. No surprise, Jillian and her guns won. The rest of the ladies were sent home while Jillian was going to get on an evening date with Chris.

Jillian and Chris were talking about the future and Jillian couldn't even talk about what her goals were or what she wanted. That's a major bummer for Chris because he's a bit of a planner and likes to at least know what her ambitions are. She talks really fast! She didn't ask him hardly anything and just babbled on, and on, and on. HA! He said that as his words floated over his head he started thinking of unicorns and dancing fairies. Chris said it was a very romantic location, but there was no spark. It was so awkward when Chris picked up the rose, he told her that she was gorgeous, but that they don't have the chemistry with each other or the same type of goals. She said, "But wait I'm nervous" and he said that he was too but there's the initial gut reaction and he just can't. She cried and it was horrible. I think Chris shouldn't have even picked up the rose; he should have just left it on the table while talking to her.

Cue the serious music; it's time for the cocktail party before the rose ceremony. Juelia blindfolded Chris and then came back with some fruit and chocolate. They had some fun with that, but I'm not sure how strong their connection is.

Ashley I. realized that Chris didn't get the point of their conversation in the woods, so she decided to steal him away and just say the words, "I'm a virgin". He was shocked and wasn't expecting that. She told him she's just waiting for the right person. Chris told her that it's a good thing and that he respect that about her. They hugged it out and he said it makes him respect her even more than he did already. She was incredibly worried that he was really, really freaked out. I think someone has had too much to drink. Then Ashley realized that Becca is also a virgin! So now there are two in the house.

Britt spoke to Chris about how she couldn't understand why he was keeping Kaitlyn around. He told her that he doesn't see anything wrong with Kaitlyn and he's not in to rewarding inappropriate behavior. Britt apologized and he said he needed to take care of the situation. He told all of the women that if they think he isn't there for the right reasons then they should go home because he's there to find a wife. Many of the women were confused by that and even thought he might be having an emotional breakdown. I think the people with the biggest problem with Kaitlyn seem to be Britt and Kelsey.

The women receiving roses at the rose ceremony were:








Ashley I.


That means that crazy Ashley S., Juelia, and Nikki were eliminated.

Next week, "The Bachelor" travels to Santa Fe! It looks like there are some behind doors action with some of the ladies and people get upset. Chris starts freaking out, and then the preview showed Kelsey freaking out and crying on the ground and one of the girls saying that they might have to call 911.

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