Tennessee high school paints over bathroom mirrors after students were late to class

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019
School apologizes after painting over bathroom mirrors

CHATTANOOGA, TN -- A Tennessee high school's decision to paint over mirrors in student bathrooms has sparked controversy in the community.

A post from a family member of a student says that her sister arrived at Central High School in Chattanooga one day last week to find out the mirrors in all the bathrooms had been spray painted. "Even prisons have mirrors," the post from Shelby Campbell read.

Tim Hensley with the Hamilton County School District says an administrator at Central High told a worker to paint the mirrors, according to WTVC. The district said they painted the mirrors because students spend too much time in the bathroom, causing them to be late for class.

"Being able to walk in and make sure nothing is in your teeth or make sure your hair isn't crazy, so you can walk out confidently, is important because there's already so much going on with bullying and self-image problems in high school," said Campbell.

Campbell's mother filed a complaint with the district Friday. When the principal learned about the problem, he had the paint removed.

The principal left a school-wide voicemail and sent an email explaining that the problem had been corrected.

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