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medical marvels
Pennsylvania man heads home after 210-day battle with virus
David Louis is not out of the woods yet, but he is finally home after seven months.
Visit the Unique and Macabre Country Doctor Museum
100 years of innovations: How Houston Methodist helped change medicine forever
Teen sings her way through brain surgery
Man's runny nose turns out to be leaking brain fluid
Teen's rare disorder wouldn't let her eat or drink
In medical first, man gets 2nd face transplant
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Revolutionary medical device 'sucks the cough out of you'
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Visit the Unique and Macabre Country Doctor Museum
100 years of innovations: How Houston Methodist helped change medicine forever
Teen sings her way through brain surgery
Man's runny nose turns out to be leaking brain fluid
Teen's rare disorder wouldn't let her eat or drink
In medical first, man gets 2nd face transplant
Revolutionary medical device 'sucks the cough out of you'