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Texas True Crime
elderly woman
100-year-old woman rescued as Eaton Fire approached senior facility
Harrowing video shows two deputies rescue a 100-year-old woman as the Eaton Fire approached her senior living facility.
90-year-old punched during hit-and-run on Southwest Freeway, HPD says
102-year-old casts her ballot hoping to inspire younger generations
Retired Kaiser Nurse continues to shine at 101 years old!
79-year-old put in headlock before potential rapist scared away
105-year-old great-grandmother receives master's degree from Stanford
Woman who started breathing at funeral home has now died
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Woman pronounced dead in hospice care found breathing at funeral home
85-year-old woman shoots, kills home invasion suspect
79-year-old taken advantage of while at Katy Mills Mall, son says
83-year-old carjacking victim's family 'knew' suspect would be caught
83-year-old woman fights back alleged carjacked outside N. Harris Co.
Charge filed after retired teacher unknowingly signed away her home
Retired teacher tells ABC13 she unknowingly signed away her home
92-year-old's arrest warrant dismissed after Action 13 stepped in
Frost Bank employee on the run, accused of taking $180K from customer
Elderly women attacked at home in separate incidents: West U police
82-year-old spends 48 days without gas, claims CenterPoint runaround
78-year-old woman last seen in Missouri City on Saturday found safe
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90-year-old punched during hit-and-run on Southwest Freeway, HPD says
102-year-old casts her ballot hoping to inspire younger generations
Retired Kaiser Nurse continues to shine at 101 years old!
79-year-old put in headlock before potential rapist scared away
105-year-old great-grandmother receives master's degree from Stanford
Woman who started breathing at funeral home has now died
Woman pronounced dead in hospice care found breathing at funeral home
85-year-old woman shoots, kills home invasion suspect
79-year-old taken advantage of while at Katy Mills Mall, son says
83-year-old carjacking victim's family 'knew' suspect would be caught
83-year-old woman fights back alleged carjacked outside N. Harris Co.
Charge filed after retired teacher unknowingly signed away her home
Retired teacher tells ABC13 she unknowingly signed away her home
92-year-old's arrest warrant dismissed after Action 13 stepped in
Frost Bank employee on the run, accused of taking $180K from customer
Elderly women attacked at home in separate incidents: West U police
82-year-old spends 48 days without gas, claims CenterPoint runaround
78-year-old woman last seen in Missouri City on Saturday found safe
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