Beautiful, heartwarming video of four year-old Tyler James as he is welcomed back by his excited classmates after being out sick for an entire week. Fellow children run up to hug and embrace Tyler all while his father, comedian Shawn Harris, records the precious moments on video.
"I love this #Proudfather. Kids can end racism," Harris wrote on Facebook. Harris, along with his son, are black, and sees this moment as more than a heartwarming moment for his son, but as evidence which "proves that racism is taught." Judging by how the children affectionately embrace Tyler as family, we agree that these children are blind to prejudice.
The video has already received nearly 20,000 likes and 100,000 shares on Facebook, creating a viral buzz around these children displaying their genuine love.
Watch a second video of Tyler being embraced by his classmates on Harris' Facebook page here.
What do you think of Tyler's welcome back? Let us know in the comments below.