Parents of 'Slender Man' stabbing victim break silence

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Friday, September 26, 2014
The parents of the Slender Man stabbing victim will speak with 20/20 on Friday on the turmoil the went through that day.
Parents of 'Slender Man' stabbing victim break silenceThe parents of the Slender Man stabbing victim will speak with 20/20 on Friday on the turmoil the went through that day.
ABC News

Two 12-year-old girls from Waukesha, Wisconsin shocked the world as they brutally stabbed their classmate 19 times and left her to die to impress the fictional horror character Slender Man this past May. But while much attention has been given to the girls who performed the stabbing, the victim of the stabbings and her family have remained quiet. On Friday though, the victim's parents will finally break their silence to 20/20.

The parents remain unnamed, but their emotions speak for themselves as they speak with ABC News' David Muir regarding the pain and suffering they went through that day.

"I hugged her and I said 'you're going to be OK, it's going to be fine,'" the mother tearfully said. "I could see that she was covered in stab wounds."

"She said 'I wanted to live,'" the mother told David Muir.

The father was equally emotional. "She's definitely our hero."

The unnamed victim was able to crawl out of the woods after being stabbed multiple times by Geyser and Weier, where she was later found by a bicyclist who called 911. Doctors confirmed that Geyser was mentally incompetent to stand trial, and Weier was currently undergoing competency tests. If Geyser and Weier are convicted as adults of attempted homicide, they face up to 60 years in prison. If convicted as juveniles, the teens face incarceration to age 25.

You can learn more about the Slender Man stabbing with this interactive timeline provided by 20/20. Watch the video of the emotional parents here at ABC News.