Businesses in Houston-area get shut down after opening too soon

Mayra Moreno Image
Saturday, May 2, 2020
REOPENING TEXAS: Businesses in Houston-area get shut down after opening too soon
These businesses in the Houston-area experienced repercussions after defying Gov. Abbott's order to remain closed.

While some businesses in the state are reopening following the COVID-19 closure, others are still fighting to open their doors.

"We had masks on, all of that. We had tents outside that had hand sanitizer before hand," said Candice Weeter, founder of Tune Up: "The Manly Salon."

Weeter said they followed up with their promise to reopen Friday, along with everyone else in Montgomery County. Following proper CDC guidelines, they limited the establishment to three stylists who kept a distance of 10 feet apart.

"We were fine when we first opened up. All of our customers were happy to see us," Weeter said.

Soon after lunch time, however, officers arrived.

"Pretty much said we need to close down, otherwise they will fine every single person that is there including the clients," she said.

Weeter said this is not what they wanted for their clients, so they closed and hope to reopen in mid-May during phase two of 'Open Texas'.

In Brazoria County, Shauntae Johnston, owner of Bad "S" Icehouse was served with a restraining order after an event she had planned on having Saturday went viral.

"I was going to serve my beer and my food out the window, and the music was going to be on private property behind my house," Johnston said.

She said she never planned on opening her bar but after musicians, who are like family to her, found out about her situation, they wanted to help and offered to play music.

"They found out that I was staying inside the bar on an air mattress because that is where it has pushed me to," she said.

With no money coming in, she's on the verge of losing her business, but she said she won't be going down without a fight.

"Yes, I may go to jail, lose my business," Johnston said. "But if I don't fight, I'm going to lose anyway, so what would you do?"

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