Tennessee man grows 910-pound pumpkin, turns it into boat

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Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Man turns giant pumpkin into a boat
A farmer in Cleveland, Tennessee grew a 910-pound pumpkin. After harvesting the seeds for next year, he hollowed it out, making a boat.

CLEVELAND, Tenn. -- A farmer in Cleveland, Tenn. grew a 910-pound pumpkin. Instead of turning it into a huge pumpkin pie or a massive jack-o-lantern, Justin Ownby hollowed it out and turned it into a boat.

Then Ownby put the boat in a local watering hole and his wife recorded video of him paddling in the pumpkin.

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Ownby says he got the seed for the massive pumpkin from last year's record-breaking pumpkin grown Tennessee. That gourd weighed in at more than 1,700 pounds.

The farmer says he hopes to grow a pumpkin that breaks the 1,000-pound mark next year.

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