Tanglewood residents frustrated with stench after major sewage leak on their sidewalk

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Friday, August 2, 2024
Tanglewood residents frustrated with smell after major sewage leak
The "pitiful" stench of sewage spilling onto the hot sidewalk at Inwood and Fountain View didn't go unnoticed by Tanglewood residents, triggering some to wear masks.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- According to residents, a busy section of Tanglewood has had an issue for at least a week or two.

An issue that doesn't smell very good.

Sewage was spilling onto the sidewalk at Inwood and Fountain View when ABC13 arrived Friday afternoon.

Service calls for this were on Houston's 311 website, but most were marked as closed when the leak was still occurring.

Turning off the leak did not eliminate the smell of the sewage still caked on the sidewalk.

A man named Abdel told Eyewitness News that he's had to wear a mask outside of his apartment because of the stench.

"I have to carry a mask with me because of the smell," he said.

Another man said the smell even gets into the hallways of his complex.

"It's pitiful," Joel Dolojan said.

Later on Friday, Houston Public Works confirmed with Eyewitness News that the leak involving a wastewater line is their issue.

Public Works said crews shut off the line and cleaned the street and sidewalk as of Friday evening.

A spokesperson said crews would be there on Saturday to complete repairs and test the line.

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