Houston-area's biggest drinking water facility failing, officials scramble for money to replace it

Shannon Ryan Image
Monday, February 17, 2025
Houston-area's biggest drinking water facility failing, officials scramble for money to replace it
The head of Houston Water says our region's largest drinking water facility, servicing up to 75% of residents, is on the brink of failure.

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) -- The water treatment plant supplying up to 75 percent of Houston-area residents is failing, according to Greg Eyerly, the head of Houston Water.

The East Water Purification Plant is more than 70 years old.

"We didn't get here overnight," Eyerly said.

Eyerly took ABC13 on a tour of the facility. He pointed out crumbling infrastructure, including visible cracks and leaks. Employees told ABC13 some underground pipes are being held together with duct tape.

Eyerly said the facility is in a state of disrepair so severe he and his team believe it makes more sense to scrap the existing plant and build a new one nearby on the same property.

"A lot of people say, 'Why don't you just rehab the plant you have?' Parts of this plant are really beyond that point," Eyerly said.

However, officials tell ABC13 Houston does not currently have the money to build that new plant. It is an estimated $4.1 billion nine-year endeavor. Nor does the city currently have money to maintain the existing plant in the interim.

"So do we have nine years?" Eyerly sighed. "The longer it takes, the more risk there is."

The city is currently staring down an estimated $300 million-plus budget deficit. Additionally, $9 billion that would typically be disbursed throughout necessary water infrastructure repair projects is tied up in a wastewater consent decree.

Several city officials told ABC13 they are seeking no interest federal or state loans for the project.

"We're just trying to be transparent about what our issues are and whatever help we can get," Eyerly said.

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