The men reveal more than just emotions to Jenn on 'The Bachelorette'; one man bows out

ByJennifer Matarese and Gina Sirico OTRC logo
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Aaron decides to follow his dreams and leaves Jenn on 'The Bachelorette'
Aaron decides to follow his dreams and leaves Jenn on 'The Bachelorette'Aaron leaves to become a fighter pilot, bows out on "The Bachelorette."

NEW YORK -- "The Bachelorette" is down under this week and right off the bat, we're warned of scantily clad men. Things are heating up in Australia for Jenn and her 15 remaining men, including the drama.

Gina: That "viewer discretion" warning made me laugh out loud! It feels a little bit like the producers are trying to bring some of the "Bachelor In Paradise" energy to the show.


We joined the men back at the hotel where they were working out, hard. They did some really impressive and challenging moves. It's not quite the same as the shower scenes we're used to, but this is nice, too.

There has been some drama in the house and Spencer is hoping that this week the focus can remain on Jenn. The first date card arrived and it read, "Spencer, Can our love take us higher?" Wow! He's getting a one-on-one date! Devin thought he had it in the bag, but it looks like he has some competition.

Spencer's One-on-One Date

Jenn loves Spencer's "Golden Retriever energy" and she kicked their date off by taking him to a helicopter. They flew over Melbourne, to the coast, and over The Great Ocean Road. They saw "The Twelve Apostles" and Spencer just doted on Jenn, and she loved every minute of it.

Gina: Spencer is pulling out all the stops and treating Jenn exactly the way she wants to be treated. She called him a "safe space" and I think she really needed that!

Back at the Hotel...

Thomas N. continued to talk about Devin negatively and Sam M. was listening to it but urged Thomas to keep the focus on Jenn.

Spencer's One-on-One Date Dinner

They were dressed to the nines as they entered a beautiful ballroom. Spencer cheered to "finding that ferocious love." Jenn complimented Spencer on how much of a gentleman he was to her all day. Spencer revealed that he had been engaged before, they bought a house together, and he was all in... two months before the wedding his fiancée came back from a trip and said she needed to think about things. He said he tried to give her time but then uncovered that she had cheated on him. He said he went through a dark time for a while. "It was a hard punch to take," Spencer said. Aw, my heart breaks for him.

Jenn asked Spencer if he distrusts engagements or if he is ready for that again. Spencer said it took a while to get back to a place where he could see his past relationship for what it was, but now he's very ready! "I jump in 100%, especially when it comes to love," Spencer said. He's excited to find the right person. With that, Jenn picked up the date rose and offered it to Spencer! He happily accepted it, and they kissed. They walked outside and they got their own personal fireworks display. They kissed and really seemed to spark!

Gina: I actually like that line of questioning by Jenn because it shows that she wants to make sure he is OK with what could come next. Spencer is an interesting one to watch. He may have been counted out by some as not her type, but he could prove the people wrong!

Group Date #1

The date card read, "Dylan, Marcus, Tomas A., John M., Grant, Jonathon, Sam N., Thomas N., Sam M., Devin, I'm looking for a love down under." Jenn met the men at a theater where it was revealed they would be doing a "Thunder Down Under" show! The guys were watching the men strip and they got really nervous because they knew they would have to do it, too!

Gina: One interesting thing to note here was that Sam M. said that if it's a competition, he will step on Devin's neck. I mean, I understand a competitive nature, but that verbiage is a tad aggressive.

The guys taught them some sexy moves, and Sam N. was horrified that he was going to have to strip with a bunch of other guys because he just wanted to fall in love. But, Sam N. did try and he managed to hurt his hand. They greased up their bodies and decided to just hope for the best and have some fun for Jenn.

Jesse Palmer welcomed the audience to the show, along with two "sister Bachelorettes" from the Australian version of the show! They were there to help Jenn judge. Dylan had some impressive moves, Marcus came out as an astronaut and looked like a real professional, Thomas A. had some really impressive abs, Grant rocked some sparkly boxers, Thomas N. was a sexy nerd, John M. was Dr. Chocolate and he looked great! Jonathon was a very sexy firefighter and his buns had Jenn's name written on them. Sam M. came out as Chef Fluster and omg, he gave Jenn a little whip and he got down and dirty! He may have secured his spot for a fantasy suite, but the sister bachelorettes warned her to make good choices. Devin came out as a dirty detective but looked like a flasher. He turned on his killer personality and wore a thong! "He's got big D energy," the sister Bachelorettes said. Devin made up for his lack of abs by baring it all. Sam N. walked out as a Love Virgin - and told them to cut the music. Instead, he "bared his soul" and then he told her "I'm already falling in love with you." He kept his robe on and then sat down. Everyone was caught off guard by his love declaration and felt like it was too soon.

Gina: I kinda cringed for Sam N. here. It felt like all the fun energy that was in that room was gone with one mention of "love." He knew it. The guys knew it. Eek.

In the end, Jenn picked Jonathon as the winner! She loved his sexy firefighter routine. Sam M. seemed a bit hurt that he didn't win and found Sam N. to be a phony with his declaration of love.

Gina: I think Sam M. thinks he has this in the bag and definitely feels hurt when things don't go his way. As for Sam N., we know he isn't a phony. This is all not in his wheelhouse. It doesn't feel fake, it feels awkward. Sam M. should know the difference.

Group Date Cocktail Party

Jonathon came out strong and got to talk to Jenn first. He told Jenn that he wanted to get a kiss out of the way first so they could do it before they got interrupted. Devin asked the guys how they liked his butt and they said, "Not even a little, bro." Devin was up next to chat with Jenn and they joked around to start but then he revealed his body insecurities. He was heavy as a kid, and he worked really hard to change that. He said he still struggles with the way he looks, but he was glad that she gave him the confidence to just leave it all out there. "I don't know how I could have done it if it wasn't you," he said.

Gina: This moment of vulnerability with Devin was sweet and I think we can all relate in some way to his insecurities and his inclination to show more of the outgoing "everything is OK" stuff to hide them.

Sam N. finally got some time with Jenn and he apologized for being corny. He said that he wanted her to know that she made him a special kind of way. Jenn said she wants to hear all the ways he feels. She acknowledged that it was early, but it still made her feel good.

Sam M. feels a bit offended that Sam N. feels the need to profess love to Jenn so early. Thomas N. was also laughing about it and they came off jerky. Devin felt upset that they were making fun of him. Sam N. said that he should have said "starting to fall in love" and Devin told him he didn't need to apologize and that anyone who feels differently has their own issues. (Does anyone else think he could be a great dad someday?) Devin and Sam M. then went back and forth about respect, and Sam M. had none for Devin. Thomas N. called out the fact that he thinks Devin has to have the last word.

Gina: Definitely think Devin would be a good dad someday! His coming to Sam's defense showed his maturity and showed the lack of empathy from Sam M. and Thomas M. By the way, both of them at one time or another have called Devin a bully and he's far from that. They do see him as direct competition and this all feels like a ploy to put him in a bad light, but it's kinda backfiring. At least in my eyes.

Sam M. asked Jenn if he liked his stripper name, and instead of talking with her they just made out. Jenn knows that they have a very physical connection, but she's having a hard time learning more about him it seems. Sam M. then unbuttoned his shirt and then gave Jenn a lap dance. Jenn was dying! These two need a room or something, yowza!

Gina: Sam M. knows that she is very attracted to him and uses their physical chemistry to keep himself in the running. That'll only get him so far if he doesn't start showing her another side.

Jenn returned to the group of men, she talked about confidence and how she loved learning more about this person... it was Devin! He got the group date rose and if looks could kill... Sam M. and Thomas N. were beyond upset. Sam M. couldn't stop laughing. He thinks sooner or later Jenn will see through Devin and just send him home.

Back at the hotel, Aaron gets a call that he could go be a fighter pilot, and it's the opportunity he has been waiting for. Looks like he's going to have to leave if that's what he wants to do. He said he wants to go on the group date and then decide.

Group Date #2

Aaron, Hakeem, Jeremy, and Austin met Jenn at a race track! Jenn plowed on in through some boxes and skidded in driving a pink racecar. Jesse, the driving instructor, taught the guys how to drive. Aaron had an advantage as the only guy who knew how to drive stick. Then it was time for the big race! The prize was some special time with Jenn.

Each man got one timed lap, and the fastest would get one-on-one time. Hakeem drove the whole thing in first gear, Austin did a bit better, then Jeremy threw the race to kiss Jenn and get a minute of real alone time. Then Aaron channeled his inner "Lightning McQueen" but somehow managed to lose by three seconds to Austin.

Gina: This date looked like so much fun! The announcer with Jesse saying (about Jeremy) "they stopped for a little bit of a snog" had me laughing. Well played by Jeremy. Hakeem's "Whatever happens, Jenn, this is for you!" was so good. He seems like he'd be a riot to hang out with.

Cocktail Party for Group Date #2

Jenn was excited that there were only four men on this group date so she could really get to know each man. Aaron slowly laid it all out for Jenn. He revealed he had his pilot license and Jenn loved that. Aaron talked a bit about his life and he went in for the kiss. PS - he's still rocking his pearls.

Jeremy and Jenn talked about how they both feel comfortable together. He asked Jenn about her past relationships and she shared that she's had to dim her success and be a certain person for her past partners. Jeremy told Jenn that he has a little crush on her, and Jenn revealed that he makes her feel thought of and that he gets her and makes her feel hopeful.

Hakeem told Jenn that his parents had an abusive relationship, and his goal was just to make Jenn feel safe. Jenn said that she has searched for love in the wrong places as a result of her parents' own toxic relationship.

Austin revealed to Jenn that he had been cheated on and it was awful. He said he wasn't sure if he knew what love really felt like, Jenn said that she isn't sure she ever did either. They shared some passionate kisses.

In the end, Jenn gave the group date rose to Jeremy! This makes me so happy, he's a quiet front-runner in my mind. I like the way they relate to each other. He seems to put her at ease. Aaron is upset because he didn't get his relationship with Jenn validated.

Gina: Totally agree about Jeremy. It's the quiet ones you have to look out for on this show! I also liked Jenn and Austin's conversation about love. When he said that he'd never been in love before, Jenn admitted that she thinks no one has ever truly loved her. It's a vulnerable moment for both of them and I think it helped them connect.

Cocktail Party

Aaron doesn't know what he's going to do and feels very conflicted. Jenn arrived in a glimmering silver gown and thanked the guys for an amazing week. She said that she wants to talk to each of them to continue to grow their relationships. Aaron pulled Jenn first and he planned to tell her of his decision to leave. He told her that he had to go follow his dream, and Jenn said she agreed and she would have done the same thing. Before he left, however, he had to tell her that someone wasn't there for the right reasons. He doesn't think that they'll be ready like she is at the end of this. Aaron told Jenn it's on her to figure it out and to "be careful."

Gina: I'll say this about Aaron, thank you for your service. But DUDE. For someone you claimed to care about, you showed you had no regard for her feelings or her well-being when you told her it was on her to figure out. You've got nothing to lose at this point. If you really cared about her and you have receipts, produce them. It just felt so petty, and as Jenn said, disingenuous.

After Aaron left, Jenn walked in and confronted the group of men with what he had said to her. She told them to sit there and really think about if they are ready and if it's not the place that they need to be, they need to get out. Devin was super offended that Aaron would use his last breath out the door to bad-mouth people. Sam M. was like, well, he said what he said and we should respect that. Um, OK.

Marcus said that Jenn's speech put the fear of God in him and he asked her how she was doing. Jenn said she just doesn't want to pick the wrong person, but she thinks she knows when she's with the wrong person. Marcus said that he finds it scary, but he knows that he's right where he is supposed to be, and they hugged and he gave her a sweet kiss on the head. "This is what I needed," Jenn said.

Gina: We've said before here and on the podcast, Marcus is the adult in the room. He won't be sucked into the drama of it all. He's steady and calm and helps her feel safe.

Sam M. told Devin that he didn't like him and said "Don't speak on me." Devin said, "OK. Let's bury it." Sam M. told Jenn that Aaron leaving weighed a bit heavy on him because "Aaron's my boy." Jenn's like, "Well, I'm glad you're ok with it." Dude. Shouldn't you be asking her how she's doing?! Sam M. said that her speech didn't apply to him, and he told her that he believed in their relationship. Jenn loved hearing that.

Gina: She knows their attraction and connection is physical and we all know that sometimes that can get in the way of things. But she did say she was thinking about him and that's what keeps him there.

Devin got some time with Jenn even though he has a rose. She talked about how she feels the need to be happy and bubbly and not reveal her bad times. She worries about people leaving her because of that. Devin totally understood and said, "I got you." He told her that her speech made him feel like he was meeting her all over again for the first time, and it was the way he wanted to meet her. You could tell that really touched Jenn.

Gina: If someone said that if I ever felt like the world was coming down on me to get behind him and he'd take those punches to the chin for me, I would react in the same way. I think when it comes to a relationship, we all want someone who has our backs. He's got hers!

Rose Ceremony

1) Spencer (One-on-One Date)
2) Devin (Group Date)
3) Jeremy (Group Date)
4) Marcus
5) John M.
6) Jonathon
7) Austin
8) Grant
9) Sam M.
10) Thomas N.
11) Dylan
12) Sam N. (really?)
Jenn got rid of Tomas A.'s amazing abs and Hakeem.

Gina: Hakeem! You're gonna be great on "Bachelor in Paradise." Tomas - are you being reunited with the puppies?! Come on to the Playing The Field podcast, guys. We want to talk!

Next Week

Jenn and her 12 men head to a new location! They're traveling the world and the men are proclaiming more and more that they are falling for her. But, Jenn, admits that she is starting to fall for Sam M. The drama continues and it doesn't look like it's going to stop anytime soon. Also, someone surprises Jenn, who is it?

Gina: I can't wait for that bit of drama. I *can* wait for more of the Sam M/Devin/Thomas N drama.

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